Wednesday 17 June 2009

Hello "passtheparcelers",

I received on Friday my art from Dawn. Slightly earlier than I expected and unfortunately this coincided with me taking some time out to go round the degree shows on Friday and Saturday, the impromptu “Art Hike” at Lady Bower in Derbyshire on Sunday and a couple of day’s holiday at the seaside. That is why this post is so late, sorry. In that time I have not been idle and there are lots of ideas going on in my head that I have taken from Dawns art work. It has been difficult to narrow down those ideas because there were so many things that I would like to do that came from the art work. Give me a day or so and I will give you a taster of what I have decided to create.

Watch this passtheparcel space.

Andrew – Area Rugs & Carpets.