Tuesday 2 June 2009

Pass The Parcel - Art Collaboration and the Artists

Below is the list of artists who are involved in the Loca ‘Pass The Parcel’ art collaborating and their website addresses.

Chris Chapman - www.swinkdesign.co.uk

Dawn Robinson - www.dawnrobinson.co.uk

Andrew Warburton - www.arearugs.co.uk

Michael Barrett - www.emelbi.com

Damian Clark - www.damianclark.co.uk

Carrie Scott-Huby - www.pinkmooninspires.co.uk

Amy Hirst - http://sceno.org/amyhirst/

Helaina Sharpley - www.helainasharpley-wirework-artist.co.uk

Karen Stansfield - www.kaboodledesign.co.uk

Samantha Bryan - www.brainsfairies.co.uk

Neil Woodhouse - www.threedvs.co.uk

Claudio Kron - www.claudiokron.com

Loca - Creative in Kirklees - www.loca.co.uk