Friday, 31 July 2009
Parcel goes on Holiday!
I thought i'd leave him, Parcel behind but no, he is coming with us all to Whitby!
I will let the boys to go on adventures over the Nab and I will concentrate on my task. Unsure how the new setting will influence the development of the piece, but it's ment to be.
Looking forward to the freedom,
What an exciting oppurtunity for us all to be involved in, I am looking forward to seeing everyones work at the end of the project.
Bye, I will report back after my holiday!
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Parcel goes on an adventure....
Parcel was a bit miffed....three days on a shelf, waiting for Karen to get to the end of the daily tick list.
"Please be patient” Karen said to Parcel “I have to go and get the car fixed at lunch time, perhaps you would like to join me?”
Parcel was delighted in going for a trip out!
Off to Dewsbury they went, after dropping the car off at Kwik Fit they strolled through Dewsbury town centre, nipping into a couple of fashion boutiques for a glimpse of anything nice to purchase for the pending vacation to Whiby.
They came to rest and take refreshment at Sainsburys Café. A suitable window of opportunity to unwrap Parcel, thought Karen.
“What in such a public area?!” questioned Parcel alarmingly. Karen reassured Parcel that it would be “alright” and “the people here are too busy with their own lives to notice us”.
Sitting at the café window looking out watching the weather change continually, Karen took her time to relax.
By coincident Andrew Warburton walked passed the Café window. He could not believe Parcel had not been unwrapped yet!!!
Karen made a choice there and then to allow Andrew to participate in the unwrapping of Parcel, as she had unwittingly forgot to bring her camera and by good fortune Andrew possessed his fancy camera phone.
The moment had finally arrived! Parcel was slowly revealed. Karen savoured every moment. She was delighted and in awe at the beauty revealed.
Helaina has created a most delightful, evocative piece of Art.
Karen is excited and intrigued about the adventure she is about to undertake…..
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Restraint of a Saint?
Parcel still unwrapped and on the shelf - perhaps it will go for a scuttle around my home?
Who knows!
Karen :)
Monday, 27 July 2009
I don't believe you've not opened it!

You've got the restraint of a saint! I couldn't wait to open it! Here is the parcel I gave to Karen this morning...
Received, but not revealed!
Right then!
I have received the parcel from Helaina - We enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a bun during the hand over.
Strange to read your comments that you are nervous at my reaction upon opening it!
I will be suitable surprised when it happens…..Yes everyone the parcel is on the shelf in my living room waiting patiently to be un wrapped.
This special moment will happen when my present workload lessens and I can give the occasion my full, undivided attention – because that’s what it deserves!
Wait to hear more.
Friday, 24 July 2009
I think I'm getting there, with a little reassurance from my Mum!
I've just got to finalise the composition and then fix it all in place, and I'm done! But I'm sure the finishing touches won't be as quick as they sound, they never are.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
still not sure....
So, last night I tried to resolve my issues with what I'd started. But this really just involved looking and changing the composition around. I was missing some materials (as I'm working at home on it, not at the studio - one of the following artists (Samantha Bryan, is in the same studio building as me, so I can't risk having it at the studio, just in case she sees it.) So I need to take some more things home today to see if that solves my problem. I'm also struggling with keeping within the size guidelines, I prefer to work big, so I keep having to remind myself to keep it to a postable size!
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Robin Widdowson
doubt has set in....

Tuesday, 21 July 2009
I looked at it for a while, then wrote down all the elements I liked or that I found interesting about it. This has lead me onto an idea, which I started playing with last night, and meant I was still experimenting three hours later! It's good to have something different to work on and tax my brain in a completely different direction.

Monday, 13 July 2009
its like my birthday has come early!
Amy Hirst
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Why are the final stages soo troublesome? Does anyone else experience this?
I am passing on the parcel tomorrow, at this moment in time I will be relieved to do so!
Here goes!
I must remember it is good for me too catch up with 21st Century and leave my Luddite principles behind....... !
Carrie Scott-Huby
Saturday, 11 July 2009
more biscuits consummed!
a little stressed.......
a little sadness creeping in....
I want to continue working in "project" land!
Having the indulgence to work on ideas that have been shelved for far too many years., I can barely remember how long ..... .
Well, its like how the saying goes.... 'be careful what you wish for'!. As I ask myself "Whats next"?
A sense of euphoria is followed be a sense of loss of a dream.
I am looking to my next dream to fulfil.
Carrie Scott-Huby
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Artwork update
Great to hear that you have all enjoyed the process so much!!
Robin Widdowson
theories, gigglings and bisciuts!
I am loving every minute of this dedicated time.
Carrie Scott-Huby
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Carrie Scott-Huby
Monday, 6 July 2009
a hint...

completed one thing.... its sooo difficult not to give the game away.
I am loving the inspiration I got from Damian Clark. I am keeping on with one aspect of Damian's and a link with the title/ theme of his.
I am desperately trying not to look at the other postings from the previous artists, I want a complete surprise when we exhibit in August 2009.
Carrie Scott-Huby
Sunday, 5 July 2009
signing out for now, Carrie Scott-Huby
Ooooh just as I thought I was getting the hang of it.....

new technology ..... trying to show images .... patience....
Carrie Scott-Huby
got the parcel
I am so inspired, infact too inspired..... oooo so many ideas... what indulgence...
Carrie Scott-Huby
Saturday, 4 July 2009
I’ve had to work very hard to finish this and there’ve been many late nights to get it all done – But it’s finished at last! Phew!
… And I’m really pleased with the results!
This collaboration has been a real joy to do and I’ve loved every moment of it!
It’s given me the opportunity and freedom to delve into new areas of creativity that I’ve always wanted to explore, yet only dabbled in before.
I think this is an area I will continue to work with well into the future… There’s so much more to discover!

It’s now time to pass it onto Carrie Scott-Huby…Good luck Carrie and enjoy !
Damian Clark