1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
Excited! Very excited! Especially that Damian had produced a trilogy. I loved the whole process from the anticipation, receiving, opening, and creating.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
What I truly loved and was inspired by in equal parts was both the sound and vision.
3. Describe your piece?
My creative response was a culmination of my current and continuing influences; knitting, science and rhythm. I am especially grateful to be able to have the opportunity to achieve ideas I’ve had in my head for years.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
The project has proven again to me how collaborative working can give you challenges you would other wise be too busy for. And present new stimulation and enthusiasm for yourself and perhaps later on develop into new work and business potentials.