1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
My instinctive reaction to the work in the first parcel was that I just wanted to touch it – it looked such an inviting texture!
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
In the third parcel was a film with obsessive, repetitive movement of feet …there was a sense of confusion and frustration, as though those feet would love to escape if only they could!
3. Describe your piece?
A dark imagined world. It’s yours to explore now… take a good look around, touch it, make up your own stories….but don’t have nightmares!
Title: Those who wear uncomfortable shoes are never in perfect health. The title is taken from advice given in The Home Doctor 1935 edition
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
It’s a good way to get to know your peers and takes some of the competitive edge out of networking.