1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
I felt a combination of surprise, delight and excitement upon seeing Michael’s artwork. I was overwhelmed by the array of ideas that it gave me - It was truly inspiring.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
Two particular aspects to Michael’s sculpture from which I drew my inspiration. Firstly, I immediately saw a connection between the construction and the how the wire was wrapped around with some computer-generated images that I’d been working with, which I used in my final art piece. Secondly, was the double Helix that I could see in the delicate antenna on top of the Michael’s sculpture - the same shape found within the DNA structure.
3. Describe your piece?
My Art piece is a Triptych that consists of a Movie (computer-generated image), Music and 2-D Digital Art; through which I explore the concept that other non-carbon based life could exist, as plasma based life forms.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
There are number of positive outcomes that I’ve gained from the Pass the Parcel project. Firstly it has helped to reinforce my existing creative skills and also given the confidence develop new ones. In addition to this, having to create something within a very short and strict timeframe as shown me that I am capable of producing good work under pressure. And finally that it has helped to bond the group, and me, personally, creatively and professionally.