Dawn and I opened the parcel together whilst partaking a cake and a cup of coffee. My initial though was “aye eye” which strangely enough was the kind of reaction that Dawn had when she was inspired to take the photograph, she explained.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
I liked the idea of seeing something in a picture that normally wasn’t there. Taking an image from everyday life and giving it a new meaning.
3. Describe your piece?
The piece that came from this was based on a Google satellite map image from a weekend away that I had during my Pass the Parcel time. It was by accident I came across the image just looking whereabouts I had been that weekend. The image is an exact copy of an area just east of Heacham near Sandringham and King’s Lynn.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
Creatively this has given me a chance to work in a medium that I have never worked in before. It has also brought together numerous ideas that I have wanted to pursue for a long time and hadn’t given myself the opportunity to do so.
Pass the Parcel has allowed me the freedom to do something completely different from what I have done before. Similar to being back at college and having those creative juices flowing again.