Friday, 18 December 2009
Claudio Kron, Drumming4Business, 24 - 29 August
Friday, 6 November 2009
Neil Woodhouse, 3-DVS, 17 - 22 August

(Images are taken from a short animation)
1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
My original thoughts were a shower cap with furry holes. And then I thought to myself it reminds me of a brain.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
When I looked at that and thought it was a brain it reminded me of the covers you used to see on Yes albums.
3. Describe your piece?
It’s an animation. Surreal interpretation of a furry shower cap with holes in it!
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
That people can actually work together to produce individual interpretations as pieces.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Samantha Bryan, Brains Faries, 10 - 15 August

1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
When I was first able to experience my parcel I felt overwhelmed, over stimulated and thoroughly daunted. I was impressed by Karen’s contribution and was concerned it would be a difficult one to follow.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
The piece offered such a vast amount of imagery and inspiration. I found I could only respond by focussing on one image on the disc and the sound that supported that particular image. The image was that of a splash in water. I looked at the still and began trying to recreate what I could see using the materials that I had to hand. I tried not to think too much about what I was doing and let the materials and the process dictate the outcome....working very differently to how I would usually work.
3. Describe your piece?
My piece is a delicate three dimensional form covered in projections.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
This project forced me to think differently about the creative process. It has unearthed a desire to make without having to produce an outcome that can be create simply because I want to....not because I have to.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Karen Stansfield 27 July – 1 August
1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
Trepidation, the unknown about to be revealed and the excited, nervousness on my own abilities to respond.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
The scale and the placement of the two main paper sculptures, key factors for my piece.
3. Describe your piece?
A multi media collage of images and sound exploring the relationship between mother and daughter and her stepping out of childhood into the adult world.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
A mass of ideas to develop; reaffirming one career choice to be in the Arts and to continue to pursue it.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Helaina Sharpley 20 - 25 July

1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
I was initially flummoxed by Amy's piece, wondering how she had come to this conclusion, and how I was going to respond!
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
I decided to concentrate on the 'floor' of Amy's piece (which looked like a swirling pool of blood!?) It wasn't the disturbing element of this I liked, but the pattern quality of it.
3. Describe your piece?
A delicate, simple, yet intricate paper piece, influenced by a recent discovery that I liked origami!
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
I have learnt that perhaps not everything I do has to have a 'saleable conclusion or product.' It's ok just to make something for the enjoyment.
Amy Hirst 13 - 18 July

1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
My instinctive reaction to the work in the first parcel was that I just wanted to touch it – it looked such an inviting texture!
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
In the third parcel was a film with obsessive, repetitive movement of feet …there was a sense of confusion and frustration, as though those feet would love to escape if only they could!
3. Describe your piece?
A dark imagined world. It’s yours to explore now… take a good look around, touch it, make up your own stories….but don’t have nightmares!
Title: Those who wear uncomfortable shoes are never in perfect health. The title is taken from advice given in The Home Doctor 1935 edition
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
It’s a good way to get to know your peers and takes some of the competitive edge out of networking.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Carrie Scott-Huby 6 - 11 July

1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
Excited! Very excited! Especially that Damian had produced a trilogy. I loved the whole process from the anticipation, receiving, opening, and creating.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
What I truly loved and was inspired by in equal parts was both the sound and vision.
3. Describe your piece?
My creative response was a culmination of my current and continuing influences; knitting, science and rhythm. I am especially grateful to be able to have the opportunity to achieve ideas I’ve had in my head for years.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
The project has proven again to me how collaborative working can give you challenges you would other wise be too busy for. And present new stimulation and enthusiasm for yourself and perhaps later on develop into new work and business potentials.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Friday, 2 October 2009
Damian Clark: 29 - 4 July

1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
I felt a combination of surprise, delight and excitement upon seeing Michael’s artwork. I was overwhelmed by the array of ideas that it gave me - It was truly inspiring.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
Two particular aspects to Michael’s sculpture from which I drew my inspiration. Firstly, I immediately saw a connection between the construction and the how the wire was wrapped around with some computer-generated images that I’d been working with, which I used in my final art piece. Secondly, was the double Helix that I could see in the delicate antenna on top of the Michael’s sculpture - the same shape found within the DNA structure.
3. Describe your piece?
My Art piece is a Triptych that consists of a Movie (computer-generated image), Music and 2-D Digital Art; through which I explore the concept that other non-carbon based life could exist, as plasma based life forms.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
There are number of positive outcomes that I’ve gained from the Pass the Parcel project. Firstly it has helped to reinforce my existing creative skills and also given the confidence develop new ones. In addition to this, having to create something within a very short and strict timeframe as shown me that I am capable of producing good work under pressure. And finally that it has helped to bond the group, and me, personally, creatively and professionally.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Michael Barrett: Emelbi. 22 - 27 June

2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
3. Describe your piece?
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
Andrew Warburton: Area Rugs & Carpets 15 -20 June

Dawn and I opened the parcel together whilst partaking a cake and a cup of coffee. My initial though was “aye eye” which strangely enough was the kind of reaction that Dawn had when she was inspired to take the photograph, she explained.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
I liked the idea of seeing something in a picture that normally wasn’t there. Taking an image from everyday life and giving it a new meaning.
3. Describe your piece?
The piece that came from this was based on a Google satellite map image from a weekend away that I had during my Pass the Parcel time. It was by accident I came across the image just looking whereabouts I had been that weekend. The image is an exact copy of an area just east of Heacham near Sandringham and King’s Lynn.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
Creatively this has given me a chance to work in a medium that I have never worked in before. It has also brought together numerous ideas that I have wanted to pursue for a long time and hadn’t given myself the opportunity to do so.
Pass the Parcel has allowed me the freedom to do something completely different from what I have done before. Similar to being back at college and having those creative juices flowing again.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Dawn Robinson: 8 June - 13 June 2009

1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
I wrote these down when I opened up the parcel:Sparkly eyes; Young, freckles; Lips determined; Mischievous/ Cool/ Smug look
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
The eyes really stood out for me and I do have a thing about eyes. My thoughts were to create some kind of collage to create an eye using natural texture – petals, leaves etc with possibly using a faint image of the picture in the pupil of the eye. I started to gather materials and even got the paints out. I realised that I was really short on time and that I had other ‘business’ deadlines to fulfil so unfortunately I had to scrap the collage idea.
3. Describe your piece?
My piece ended up being a photograph, it is a picturesque scene of a bridge but the real emphasis is the fact that with the reflection of the water, it had created an eye. I wanted to still use the initial portrait as part of the reflection so with a little Photoshop work I placed the image into the picture.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
Should I do something like this again, I would do it differently. I am a photographer, my creative skills are with my camera and the use of Photoshop to maybe enhance or ‘play’ with the image. I think that part of the fact that I stayed with photography rather than some other form was my lack in confidence and ability in creating something using other material. Looking back I think I could have come out of my comfort zone and tried the collage that I originally wanted to do.
Chris Chapman: 1 June - 6 June 2009

1. What were your initial thoughts when you opened the parcel?
Starting off the project was difficult as I had nothing to respond or interpret.
2. What was the main source of inspiration from the piece that you received?
As I have limited time for 'personal work' I decided to be inspired by my personal life. There is no time for self indulgence commercially so as I have always enjoyed portraiture/life drawing I decided that my piece was going to be my son Noah. I wanted to see how quickly something personal to me would be abstracted with each pass of the parcel.
3. Describe your piece?
Coming from a fine art background my art has always been realistic and faithful to the subject. I wanted to create a portrait that was
big on the page, just focusing on the face. The expression is a little quirky representing my son’s sense of humour.
4. In business terms, what have you learned or gained from the project?
I have learned that I need to make time for my art and there needs to be a work/life balance. Perhaps in doing so my graphic design will develop in a way I hadn't anticipated too. As a graphic designer my inspiration comes from a myriad of different sources, maybe now my own art might be a welcome addition to what is usually computer generated commercial work.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Eyes & Mindz
When I got the parcel I hesitate a little bit because through the whole process I thought about giving up and quitting many times! In a way I didn’t want to let any one down and not be able to deliver so I carried on regardless.
Although music is my profession and my first LOVE I thought to do something different as I use to paint quit a lot before, I'm not good however I sold only a few of my works and the majority of the 13 artist was doing painting, photo, visual, anyway!!!
I spoke to Robin about it!! With the envelop on my desk, still closed and that was on the third day, I keep looking at it!! When I did decide to open the envelope that the previous artist provided me with all I had to work from was an A4 sheet printed with visuals of a few brains and eyes!!
Instantly I starting singing a song using the word “eyes and mind" then thinking "How many dreams we have in our heads" ( Part of a poetry I wrote a year ago!! So I put it into use).
I booked a studio in Bradford, I was there anyway finishing my latest CD!! Myself and a producer called Grant Hendenson recorded all the thoughts and ideas I had in that day and in 3 hours 10 mins the work was complete!!
Here is a list List of the instrument in the recording
Talking Drum
Sweeping brush
Printing machine
Construction spad
Jon block
Mini block
Reco Reco
Let me know is there is another Pass the Parcel!!!
Claudio Kron
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
A retrospective post.
A box. No Weight. Is it empty? Nope it wasn't. At first the contents reminded me of a hairy shower cap with holes in it. Then it reminded me of some of the surreal art seen in the 70's on the covers of Yes Albums. A brain i thought. So i went utterly surreal. Then i thought let's make it worthwhile and produce a 30 sec animation. What i passed on is just one frame.
Hope Claudio is into prog rock. Enjoy.
so close now......
Carrie Scott-Huby
Monday, 17 August 2009
passing the parcel......
I can now look forward to seeing everyone's parcels...
I honestly found the whole process very tricky, but this shows just how much I stay in my world. I should get out more!
good luck Neil
Samantha Bryan
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Time is running out....
I suspect that without a deadline I would still be deciding what to do.
The only rule that I set myself was to stay away from laborious outcomes....and I think I broke that rule. Perhaps it is just in my nature to work very intricately.
I am finding it so hard to create something that has no destination. Playing rather than finishing. I feel outside of my comfort zone.
Samantha Bryan
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Sorry for the delay.....i have had technical difficulties...all kinds.
I have only just managed to fully appreciate Karen’s pass the well done Karen!
She will be amused (hopefully) at all the random emails that I have sent her today.
Is it possible to be over inspired?
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Well - Done!
Well-done Karen!
Knowing how challenging this first appeared to you before you started the week – it was a great pleasure to see you actually relaxing and really enjoying the creative process.
…This shows on the final piece - it's wonderful!

For me this is what “pass the parcel” is all about – The freedom to have fun with creativity!
I can’t wait to see all of the artworks together!
Good luck to all those to follow…Have fun!
Monday, 10 August 2009
Selection of images

It has been an amazing journey - literally!
Refreshed, inspired and happy!
I am looking forward to seeing everyones contribution on this project, I wish Samantha well and I hope she enjoy the process too!
Signing out,
Completed and ready to pass on!

I have found it interesting reading the postings from the lastest backwards.....
It is sooo good people are being challenged. Just what we need in live to step aside from or rutted path and be thrilled...
I can barely wait to see the responses.
Sadly I did not get my own sneak preview in Whitby!!
Well done one and all, enjoy!
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Whitby reporting in...
Enjoying a nice cold beer in a cyber cafe and thought i'd report in.
Started at the beginning of the week gathering my thoughts and ideas on my response to Parcel, busy exploring different mediums and being free in this. Got loads at this stage and I will be homing "it" into a completed piece soon.
I have had moments where my head has been bursting with ideas, which as been at times a little overwhelming. It is impacting on my time here as what I am seeing and experiencing is in some way connecting with the parcel - sometimes very spookily!
Surprising connections everywhere!
.....Mean while to Parcel himself who is having a whale of a time!.....
He has enjoyed a walks on the beach, a ride on a donkey and the hedonistic play on the "tu-penny" slot machines, copious amounts of icecream and ginger beer!
Monday, 3 August 2009
Good cake choice...
The "WOW!" factor.
At this point I would just like to say that it was by pure coincidence that I gate crashed Karen’s opening of the parcel at Sainsbury’s cafe, honest. There was a collective “wow!” that came from us once the parcel was opened. I had a hard time keeping my initial impressions to myself as this was Karen’s moment and I was just an intruder. Here is the photographic record that I took so that you can enjoy it as well.

Just in case you were wondering what was in the other parcel, I can reveal that it was this….
I hope that the next pass the parcellers have as much fun as we both had unwrapping it in Sainsbury's before we were kicked out (other coffee shops are available).
Andrew Warburton
Adventure & Holiday
Robin Widdowson
Friday, 31 July 2009
Parcel goes on Holiday!
I thought i'd leave him, Parcel behind but no, he is coming with us all to Whitby!
I will let the boys to go on adventures over the Nab and I will concentrate on my task. Unsure how the new setting will influence the development of the piece, but it's ment to be.
Looking forward to the freedom,
What an exciting oppurtunity for us all to be involved in, I am looking forward to seeing everyones work at the end of the project.
Bye, I will report back after my holiday!
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Parcel goes on an adventure....
Parcel was a bit miffed....three days on a shelf, waiting for Karen to get to the end of the daily tick list.
"Please be patient” Karen said to Parcel “I have to go and get the car fixed at lunch time, perhaps you would like to join me?”
Parcel was delighted in going for a trip out!
Off to Dewsbury they went, after dropping the car off at Kwik Fit they strolled through Dewsbury town centre, nipping into a couple of fashion boutiques for a glimpse of anything nice to purchase for the pending vacation to Whiby.
They came to rest and take refreshment at Sainsburys Café. A suitable window of opportunity to unwrap Parcel, thought Karen.
“What in such a public area?!” questioned Parcel alarmingly. Karen reassured Parcel that it would be “alright” and “the people here are too busy with their own lives to notice us”.
Sitting at the café window looking out watching the weather change continually, Karen took her time to relax.
By coincident Andrew Warburton walked passed the Café window. He could not believe Parcel had not been unwrapped yet!!!
Karen made a choice there and then to allow Andrew to participate in the unwrapping of Parcel, as she had unwittingly forgot to bring her camera and by good fortune Andrew possessed his fancy camera phone.
The moment had finally arrived! Parcel was slowly revealed. Karen savoured every moment. She was delighted and in awe at the beauty revealed.
Helaina has created a most delightful, evocative piece of Art.
Karen is excited and intrigued about the adventure she is about to undertake…..
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Restraint of a Saint?
Parcel still unwrapped and on the shelf - perhaps it will go for a scuttle around my home?
Who knows!
Karen :)
Monday, 27 July 2009
I don't believe you've not opened it!

You've got the restraint of a saint! I couldn't wait to open it! Here is the parcel I gave to Karen this morning...
Received, but not revealed!
Right then!
I have received the parcel from Helaina - We enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a bun during the hand over.
Strange to read your comments that you are nervous at my reaction upon opening it!
I will be suitable surprised when it happens…..Yes everyone the parcel is on the shelf in my living room waiting patiently to be un wrapped.
This special moment will happen when my present workload lessens and I can give the occasion my full, undivided attention – because that’s what it deserves!
Wait to hear more.
Friday, 24 July 2009
I think I'm getting there, with a little reassurance from my Mum!
I've just got to finalise the composition and then fix it all in place, and I'm done! But I'm sure the finishing touches won't be as quick as they sound, they never are.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
still not sure....
So, last night I tried to resolve my issues with what I'd started. But this really just involved looking and changing the composition around. I was missing some materials (as I'm working at home on it, not at the studio - one of the following artists (Samantha Bryan, is in the same studio building as me, so I can't risk having it at the studio, just in case she sees it.) So I need to take some more things home today to see if that solves my problem. I'm also struggling with keeping within the size guidelines, I prefer to work big, so I keep having to remind myself to keep it to a postable size!
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Robin Widdowson
doubt has set in....

Tuesday, 21 July 2009
I looked at it for a while, then wrote down all the elements I liked or that I found interesting about it. This has lead me onto an idea, which I started playing with last night, and meant I was still experimenting three hours later! It's good to have something different to work on and tax my brain in a completely different direction.

Monday, 13 July 2009
its like my birthday has come early!
Amy Hirst
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Why are the final stages soo troublesome? Does anyone else experience this?
I am passing on the parcel tomorrow, at this moment in time I will be relieved to do so!
Here goes!
I must remember it is good for me too catch up with 21st Century and leave my Luddite principles behind....... !
Carrie Scott-Huby
Saturday, 11 July 2009
more biscuits consummed!
a little stressed.......
a little sadness creeping in....
I want to continue working in "project" land!
Having the indulgence to work on ideas that have been shelved for far too many years., I can barely remember how long ..... .
Well, its like how the saying goes.... 'be careful what you wish for'!. As I ask myself "Whats next"?
A sense of euphoria is followed be a sense of loss of a dream.
I am looking to my next dream to fulfil.
Carrie Scott-Huby
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Artwork update
Great to hear that you have all enjoyed the process so much!!
Robin Widdowson
theories, gigglings and bisciuts!
I am loving every minute of this dedicated time.
Carrie Scott-Huby
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Carrie Scott-Huby
Monday, 6 July 2009
a hint...

completed one thing.... its sooo difficult not to give the game away.
I am loving the inspiration I got from Damian Clark. I am keeping on with one aspect of Damian's and a link with the title/ theme of his.
I am desperately trying not to look at the other postings from the previous artists, I want a complete surprise when we exhibit in August 2009.
Carrie Scott-Huby
Sunday, 5 July 2009
signing out for now, Carrie Scott-Huby
Ooooh just as I thought I was getting the hang of it.....

new technology ..... trying to show images .... patience....
Carrie Scott-Huby
got the parcel
I am so inspired, infact too inspired..... oooo so many ideas... what indulgence...
Carrie Scott-Huby
Saturday, 4 July 2009
I’ve had to work very hard to finish this and there’ve been many late nights to get it all done – But it’s finished at last! Phew!
… And I’m really pleased with the results!
This collaboration has been a real joy to do and I’ve loved every moment of it!
It’s given me the opportunity and freedom to delve into new areas of creativity that I’ve always wanted to explore, yet only dabbled in before.
I think this is an area I will continue to work with well into the future… There’s so much more to discover!

It’s now time to pass it onto Carrie Scott-Huby…Good luck Carrie and enjoy !
Damian Clark
Friday, 3 July 2009
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Late night No.1
Well as I suspected yesterday that it was going to be a late night – it was! … Put it this way, the birds were singing when I decided it was time for bed!
But it was an extremely productive night. I always find the first few hours the most important when I’m inspired; I like to get down as many ideas as possible.
The problem now is that I have got so many ideas, and within different disciplines – Where do I go from here?
…Can I somehow fuse these ideas together and forge them into a coherent whole?
…So many possibilities and yet so little time!

Stay tuned for more….
Damian Clark
Monday, 29 June 2009
It's arrived!
Hello All,
Just received my parcel from Michael - Wow! Not what I was expecting, but absolutely fascinating – It looks great!
Well-done Michael!

I’m already buzzing with ideas and can’t wait to get stuck into it…Think it’s going to be a late night.
But what am I going to do??
Watch this space!
And on it goes again...

from concept to finished article.
I think I will be revisiting this technique again fairly soon,
such was my enjoyment.
I have many more ideas to explore with the materials that I have used.
Now over to Damian Clark for the next round of creative play.
Have a huge amount of fun and good luck mate.
Mike Barrett – Emelbi.